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Our Story

(As told by our C.EO)

Hiyes.ng is an idea that i started early 2023. This was necessitated by series of frustrations i experienced in my trying to buy and resell both online and offline.One of the most recurring problems i experienced was my budget's inability to get me the things i needed as such i had to go for similar things or outrightly forgo the item. Another was frustrations i faced in closing a sale. This is after series of social media adverts,word of mouth and cold calling. I therefore decided to build something that can solve these problems.

Hiyes.ng To Announcers

(These are users that needs to buy items )

Hiyes.ng lets users earn a part of bidding fees charged on sellers who indicated interest in selling to them. for instance,Mr. Ade needs a pair of shoes at about ₦25,000. He puts up this post on hiyes.ng and after 3 hours 20 interested sellers have reached out to him. . Mr Ade has just earned ₦5,000 from the sum of the biddings made to him by the different sellers. This is in addition to the benefit of having to chose from different sellers

Hiyes.ng To Sellers

(These are users that sells on hiyes.ng)

Sellers on the other hand sells their products faster especially now that they don't go about seeking for customers which will result in time and economical wastage. They are now able to bid to those customers they are aware actually want to buy what they sell. In addition,sellers can also list their products on hiyes.ng free of charge for our millions of users to see and patronize them.

We have recorded so much successes and i'm super excited at what we've been able to achieve and at the pace we are going

Meet Ndubuisi Victor (C.E.O hiyes.ng)