Easiest Way To Getting 10,000 Organic Traffic To Your New Website Within 6 Months
Organic traffic is the most effective means of growing your website traffic. This entails that people are able to find you without you having to tell them about you.
However, arriving at this point in your blogging or content creation journey takes a lot of smart (not hardwork).
In this post, you will learn how you can scale your organic traffic from point zero to 10,000 within 6 months or lesser on your brand new or existing website.
Let's get started.
I know you definitely must have seen a lot of blog posts and videos talking about this same topic. While most of them emphasize on BACKLINKS, I will be showing you a different strategy that I tried and it worked not just for me but for few persons I taught how to use it too.
So without wasting much time, let's get started.
How much impression are you getting?
Ideally, organic traffic comes from the number of clicks you get when your site shows up in a search result. This simply means, for someone to click on your site, they must be able to see it among the recommended websites Google or any search engine shows them when they search for a given thing.
Each time a search engine shows your website on its search result (whether at first page or last page) it records as an impression.
However, the rate or frequency by which people click on your site base on the number of appearances it has is called the Click Through Rate CTR for short. Statistically, the CTR of 90% of websites on the internet is between 0.3-3% that's to say, the number of clicks websites get depends on the number of impressions it has.
For instance, if we take the CTR of your site to be 1.5%, it means that to get 10,000 organic traffic per month, your website ought to have about 670k impressions per month.
How to Get 670k impressions per month.
Getting 670k impressions on search engines can be seen as a very difficult task , however if you follow this strategy I will be showing you, it will be much easier than you can imagine.
First of all, search engines need to be sure your site is well optimized before it can be shown to a searcher. Think of it this way, you (a consultant) won't direct clients to a store that leaves its products scattered all over place whereas there are thousands of stores that arranges their products according to categories, price, color etc. while getting what the clients wants from the latter is very easy, it can take hours or days to get same from the former. Therefore, your website must be organized in a way that it will be easy for search engines to find what people are searching on it.
Search engines optimization
For instance, pages such as signup,login, forgot password etc can be placed in the "account" folder.
Pages such as female_shoes,bags,gowns etc can go into the "fashion" folder and so forth.
I will be making more post on search engines optimization, comment below if you are interested so I can send you the link when I do.
Now back to how you can grow your organic traffic to 10,000 monthly.
Having optimized your website for search engines, it's time to tell Google to "hey start sending me traffic"
One of the ways to get Google's attention is to start creating, publishing and requesting for page indexing via search console.
It is important to state here that the key to getting traffic is not how many backlinks your site has. You can start seeing hundreds and even thousands of organic traffic without a single backlink.
However, you must be consistent in publishing new and quality contents.
To get 670k monthly impressions which (with 1.5% CTR) will yield 10,000 clicks, you should be able to publish at 5,000 quality contents with long-tail keywords within a space of 6 months.
In conclusion
Getting 10k organic traffic in your first 6 months of launching your website is possible if you will work smart and out-publish your competitors.
The internet world is faced with stiff competition, to have an edge over your competitors, you must be ready to do all they do and more.
Thanks for reading
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